occupy word-drum

The Workers who have made Word-Drum a major player in the blogosphere are now officially on strike.

We join with the greater Labor and Occupy Movement in demanding better living conditions.

As Community Organizers of the Internet, we are due certain rights and privileges:

1. Free food, clothing and housing.

(Blogging takes great concentration. An entire day can be spent on just a few words and choosing the right accompanying photo.)

An office will be required. It will be located in a fully stocked bomb shelter. The First Amendment does not come cheap.

2. A Blog Tszar (with direct access to the White House Staff, not just Bo the dog.)

3. You must join our union (WWPW- World Wide Percussion Workers)

              or we will kill you.

That’s right, stickin’ to the union doesn’t come cheap.

4. The removal of Word-Drum as the Shop Steward. It’s not fair since he takes all the profits for himself. As the only employee he had to take some bad acid (the name of his new band) to splinter his mind and go all Sybil, just to make some anti-union point.

This is Bongo. Word-Drum is trying to take back his blog but it’s too late.

Michigan is where he came from so he thinks the labor news from there is some kind of sign.

Obama! Obama! Go make some money Word-Drum, I need to watch my shows.

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