Archive for February, 2019


Posted in democrats, liberals, new things, news and politics with tags on February 22, 2019 by Word-Drum


Are you a White male actor looking for a gig?

RENT- A-RACIST, the California based company, has a job for you. (These are temp jobs.)

This growing company is expanding it’s operations to Chicago. Events in the news, show the lack of high quality talent in the Windy City.


We at Rent-a-Racist, can ensure that our racists are authentic (actors), that know how to look and play the part.

Whatever your reason, choose Rent-A-Racist, for your next hoax.

Black people can't be r

video: isis fighters abandon leader

Posted in ISIS, military, Trump, video, war with tags on February 17, 2019 by Word-Drum

Daily Caller:

the strange alliance

Posted in democrats, liberals, media, politics, Trump with tags , , , , , on February 12, 2019 by Word-Drum


I have to marvel at the Anti-Trump coalition.

Picture a room filled with a strange confluence of people, all gathered together to oppose Donald Trump.

What’s strange about the group is that…
They live in separate worlds.

The Ruling elites get along fine together. They want to rule over the rest of us, but they can’t. Our Constitutional Republic is set-up to prevent that. They must convince the rest of us to support them politically and financially.


The hippy Social Justice Warrior in Arizona, and the Deep State Powerbroker in DC, that never meet to share a bong.

The Hollywood play actor, that got lucky, earns 20 mil a year, and the Working-Class Democrat, don’t drink beer together (except when researching a movie).

An Antifa Anarchist might be a child of the Ruling Class, but he doesn’t wear a mask when visiting with family.

Gentle liberals throughout the country are kept calm by NPR. They don’t like to go around breaking windows and terrorizing people while dressed in a mask , and clad in black, like the guy from Antifa.

Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos do not buy bagels at the same places liberals do.

The Trump-Hating CIA or FBI agent, working in counter-terrorism, is not likely to socialize with Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan that oppose Trump {for blowing up their terrorist relatives that were only trying to create the new Caliphate in Iraq, unless they are undercover. Favorite undercover disguise for Democrats: Blackface.)

Yet they all sit together in this metaphorical room, working toward the same goal. After the Big Bang (when Trump goes down) they will go their separate ways and pursue their own agendas.

I guess it’s nice to see Americans working together. Too bad they are united in destruction.


For some it’s just Trump. With him out of the way, the Status Quo is protected. The wealth and power of the Ruling Elite is safe from the Trump Revolution. For some, their government jobs are safe.


For Marxists, it’s time to create the new Socialist Utopia. With Trump gone, they will continue to try to destroy Capitalism which leads in their mythology to the Promised Land.

The likes of Bernie Sanders, never stop making promises to each new generation. Trump is keeping promises and delivering on things the Left used to stand for.


Bernie is in the room, but no one wants to sit near him. He smells like a rotting corpse.

happy birthday KSM

Posted in 9/11, Islam, obama, terrorism, war with tags , on February 11, 2019 by Word-Drum


Why is KSM still alive?

Not all of POS Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s prayers have been answered. But Allah and the U.S. government have granted him his life.

The Martyr of 2006

Torture! was decried by the Left endlessly. Sort of like ‘Russia’ last year. He was the torture victim. Water-boarding KSM was as usual compared to Hitler. “That’s not who we are” said Obama (that’s the Republicans).

Our AG at the time was Eric Holder, whose law firm, before returning to government, specialized in representing terrorists. His DOJ did not discriminate against Muslims (all of them, as was Obama’s policy).

Obama’s people linger on. Is it their love that keeps KSM fat and sassy?? Eric Holder and Obama are gone, but their Leftist lawyers still haunt every branch of the Federal Government.

N.Y. Post:

They say the wheels of justice turn slowly — but now they’ve ground to a virtual halt.

Seventeen years after they helped murder 2,977 innocents in the worst terrorist attack on US soil, five 9/11 suspects — including self-avowed mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — have not faced trial.

Victims’ families say the legal limbo puts them through hell.

“It’s outrageous the length of time this has taken,” Debby Jenkins, who lost her brother Joseph Jenkins in the World Trade Center attacks, told The Post on Monday.

“Thousands and thousands of people have been affected. Families have been destroyed. There will never be closure, but we would just love to see justice served. That’s what we’re waiting for.”

“These people were instrumental in torturing and killing almost 3,000 people — one of whom was my son,” she told The Post on Monday. “They’re creepy people, and they murdered a lot of us, and they deserve to suffer and die.”

employment up, liberals down

Posted in democrats, economy, liberals, politics, Trump on February 7, 2019 by Word-Drum

I asked the Liberal, “What about all the happy families? “

“What about JOBS!? “(something I used to see on signs carried at lefty demonstrations).

“Don’t jobs for people loosen the tension and strain in families, caused by economic hardship? Doesn’t employment lead to happy families!?”

(that manege to survive without government cheese and fat ass bureaucrats.)

No answer. He just went on to talk about himself.

That’s all I asked. Not, Why you hate on The Prez so bad?

He addressed it later by saying Trump was smart. He was sending secret messages to millions of White Supremacists. They (me too) could read into his words that he too was a big old racist.

Wanted to ask him if that’s all he has. And what if it’s not true? But I was in California and wanted to get out there alive.

If that’s the best they have, Donald J. Trump is better than I thought.

Trigger Reset

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Climate Scepticism

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Just Above Sunset

It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It’s that they can’t see the problem. ~ G. K. Chesterton

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

a "Backwoods" Conservative

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Pesky Truth

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Black America Web

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The Q Tree

A flock of Treepers seeking deep knowledge of the prime number 17.


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