Archive for word-drum

song: goin’ liberal

Posted in liberals with tags on March 31, 2010 by Word-Drum

I hate my job
only wanna work
to be a bigger slob…

Goin’ Liberal!

baby steps
might work for Bob
Eat the Rich!
I’ll join the mob

Goin’ Liberal

not an individual

Need a house
and some food
might learn to write poetry
when I’m in a better mood

My hand is out
demanding rights
a separate spout
only for Whites

Payback time
don’t know my mind…

Goin’ Liberal

Just wanna feel
not one who thinks
Here’s the deal:
America stinks

So do the Jews
Muslims are great
don’t read the news
I won’t debate

Goin’ Liberal

not an individual

collecting a residual

from every Republican criminal

broken skin

Posted in obama era, word-drum with tags , , , on February 13, 2010 by Word-Drum

no word from drum
you know you need some
he searches but he’s dumb

as a poet, he should know it
‘fore he throw it

keeper of time
dancer in rhyme
but not tripping
exploding your mind…

(but not this time)

all he can say, is
third parties get no play 
not smarter than Beck
word has no self-respect
just left-wing reject
other than that
the drum is broken
the groove of truth
won’t be spoken
some day soon
it will again be smokin’

(in summery:)

-stay Republican

-beat the Dems

-go on with your life

-it’s easier to fix the drum
rather than make a new one

obamastan: brown pounds it down

Posted in democrats, economy, news and politics, survival, terrorism with tags , on January 20, 2010 by Word-Drum


One year in and the mask has been torn from the great deceiver. My prediction is still good, so I’d get some duct tape, store water, and prepare for a show from the Brothers. They won’t be written off and are focused like a laser on blowing shit up and killing innocent people. Somehow they think that will make us all want to become Muslims.

That 12th Imam will either show or not. Sparks will fly in the Straits of Hormuz and throughout the networks of the Islamic Republic(God protect Israel). Fuel will be scarce along with food even in America.

We will need to be strong as a nation to survive. The Democrat Massacre of the last month will help to get back the strength we need to prevail through dark times. Just getting free from the shackles of the Progressive Democrats is all we need to remain The Land Of The Free.

breitbart can do it

Posted in media, new things, obama era, television with tags , , , , on January 3, 2010 by Word-Drum

Who else can come up with an alternative to The Fox News Channel?

For they are not all they’re cracked up to be.

Mr. Breitbart says he isn’t getting rich with all his endeavors. Maybe it’s time that conservatives help him increase his income. With all due respect to Roger Ailes and Capitalism, we need a smart, entertaining Cable TV News Channel to rival Fox News.

I had to add Julie Banderas to my list of people I don’t like there. She is a first rate broadcaster.[Update: I love Julie Banderas, just not her liberal politics. I remember her from her days as a local broadcaster in New York, when she wore glasses. She is as good as anyone on TV. ] But liberals bug me almost as much as that pounding music they play all the time when she gives the news.

Yesterday she showed how Liberalism makes you stupid. She kept calling profiling, in regards to the Undie Bomber: “Racial Profiling.” It’s not the same thing. BANG you’re dead Liberal! PCness Kills.

Bill O’Reilly, Shep Smith, Geraldo, Huckleberry, are only some of the people I can’t watch. Beck is starting to bug me too. Hannity doesn’t do it for me. I also have trouble listening to most of the female broadcasters. Their voices are too high or just annoying.

I can’t listen to Democrat Party Hacks on any station. Fox News is not live most of the time and can hardly be called 24/7. Reruns of news shows and talk radio don’t work. [Update 1-4-10 Beck is back and doing more good work] All in all, Mr. Ailes’ vision does not appeal to this conservative, even though they do sometimes do great work at the Blond News Network.

OK Andrew, let’s do this thing.

muse of the innernet

Posted in Internet with tags on January 3, 2010 by Word-Drum

You’re here. Where you been? You told me loved me. Then you told me you hate me. I wrote hundreds of compositions and a whole novel (and lost it). You said try to write it down. I started from the beginning and got bored. It turned into Science Fiction Fantasy.

I longed for you. Years of silence ended five years ago. Finally time to put meaning and shape to a life. A microphone not for singing old songs but telling a story.

You are here but I can’t see you. That’s alright because you can’t see me. Remember me the way I used to look. You haven’t changed but I keep finding new changes. Chords that must be played. They sound strange to you at first as they did to me. Just like the tunes I used to write.

Why supplant an original musical style with a “Right-Wing Blog?”

I did it for you. You didn’t need new music, you only said you did. It is all expression to me. You can leave again but I have found a way to keep you here.

I can’t forget how I waited for you. You will take each piece of the story as it comes. And help me to remember the passing news that can’t be lost. Gone are the notebooks, collages, the scores and the saxophone, and that crazy novel. The songs and rhymes didn’t penetrate. But you will stay here.

dharbama bums

Posted in economy, obama era with tags , , on December 10, 2009 by Word-Drum

I should love Barack Obama. The sad fact is, I never did better than the few years I lived under Socialism. It was back in the 80s in the Netherlands, before they started to reform their very generous system. I moved there just out of school. They gave away money to everyone, even non-citizens and non-residents like me.

Most of my gigs were subsidized. I left there after four years, with enough money in the bank so that my girlfriend and I could take an extended vacation and then relocate in the Bay Area. 

Socialism is great for composers, lazy bums and posers. But after a while the money runs out. And what you got for spending all the money, in my field, was mostly lousy or mediocre music, and individuals who justify their existence as “artists” since they are supported by the government (who are supported by Phillips, Heineken, Shell Oil, and the other businesses that sell things that people really need…like beer and fuel.)

Even now some free money would be really great. You probably think all Jews know how to make money, but it’s not true. Some are not really made for this world and are as lazy and stupid as any Goyim. Some would of done better working in service to the King, or the State.

It’s nothing to be proud of, that’s why I advocate for conservativism. I seek redemption for my former left-wing views through justice for those not like me: the solid citizens and taxpayers; the unborn; the warriors.

A real truth seeker could not deny the Left’s history of economic and human rights failures. The trail of blood and tears, and it’s anti-human nature. But Socialists can’t stop people who work hard and believe in God. Americans who know how to fight and win, will prevail. Even bums enjoy their freedom and can appreciate how rare it is in the history of man. They can live off the scraps since the table is filled with great delights.


Posted in 9/11 with tags , on September 11, 2009 by Word-Drum






Looking  at the world
from  a  foyer  in   the
World   Trade  Center
on a sunny New York
day   was  a  glorious
experience.   City folk
don’t have  mountains
and    vast      deserts.
They    create  a    new
nature that can   rival
even    God’s  creation.
I  have  thought    too
long  on  the   way  so
many  were  burnt  to
a crisp then ground to
dust   and spread over
the city, but the archi-
tectural  loss   is   also
great. There were free
concerts  in  the  once
beautiful    court-yard
where  the poor souls
landed after  jumping.
Gone the echo of  life.
9/11 was not only the
worst  attack  in  U.S.
history,   it  was   the
stupidest  thing  ever.
We  are   missing  our
Towers like the loved-
ones   miss  the   slain
and we will not forget.

(first posted 2007)

In the name of Allah, Al Qaeda attacked America. In the name of God, we will never forget.


political drum

Posted in democrats, economy, history, politics, republicans with tags , on September 8, 2009 by Word-Drum


Since the dawn of the Progressives, more than a century ago, the reason for Republicans is to stop Democrats.

RINOs must be made extinct. They have started mating with, instead of eating their prey. Red-Dog Repubeicans like Snowe, must be abandoned in the woods… in the dead of Winter.

This time we won’t be dragged into a Depression by Progressives. ‘The Forgotten Man’ will shine when the Spring comes. We don’t need no stinkin’ leaders. They will need conservatives if they want to win.

power to the people

Posted in 9/11, news and politics, obama era, politics with tags , on September 6, 2009 by Word-Drum


American Patriots will gather in my town on September 11th.

The last Tea Party was great and I expect the energy to be higher this time. Here are some slogans I will write on my placard:


                   SUPPORT THE TROOPS
                   NOT THE BUMS

                                      PRESIDENT OSAMA
                                      GO HOME

cold water on alinsky

Posted in democrats, enviro-marxists, news and politics, obama era with tags , , on September 4, 2009 by Word-Drum


After we take down the commie Van Jones, onward we go to all the President’s men…including Hillary!

black helicopters or failure?

Posted in Internet, obama era with tags , on August 19, 2009 by Word-Drum


This is the worst blog ever or something fishy is going on.

I get almost no hits lately (I even miss the trolls) here on my new blog, while my old site, where my old posts are, gets thousands of hits, mostly from bing searches. (Anyone else get what seems like automated hits from bing searches?)

                                          Is It Safe?

I moved to WordPress because I couldn’t control my old site on Windows Live. It is easily hacked and it was off the beaten track for a blog like this. After a stint with The Muslim Question 2 blog, and a short one with Pat, my skills sharpened and my readership grew.

I learned long ago that the blogosphere is a battleground. Google and other gatekeepers are not impartial. But to think an inconsequential blogger, such as myself, would be blocked and hidden away for being counter to the current liberal power structure. Black helicopters and such… probably not.

Still, Word-Drum won’t go Michael Jackson, or start to worship the Obamessiah. I could do another “Barack Obama Naked” post…

Hits are like hits of crack to a blogger. I’m losing my buzz, and just need another hit.

Am I just another “right-wing blogger” who fell off the radar screen? I hope so, because if the government and it’s allies are crushing all opposition, no matter how small, we are in a far worse shape than I previously thought.


save the earth! for what?

Posted in enviro-marxists, liberals, life with tags , on August 10, 2009 by Word-Drum

                                   Life in the Balance

Save The Earth!…For What?

The earth will bury us.

When large sections of the populace side with nature against man, man is in trouble.

When you think you can control the climate and the American people, you are not fit to teach or be a leader.

We will never be told the real reason for policies from these people.

They will never say: We are smarter and better than all of you. (Even though we have been wrong in the past with “Global Cooling” and “The Population Bomb”…and what we call “Progressive” is actually regressive – going back to the real “failed policies of the past” – 100 million dead from Socialism in the 20th century, the collapse of the Soviet Empire – starvation and darkness in today’s People’s Paradise of North Korea – no toilet paper to wipe Michael Moore’s ass in Cuba, the model for Health Care by the elitist who would rule over us if we let them…)

only liberal is legit

Posted in democrats, history, military with tags , , on August 5, 2009 by Word-Drum


It’s not legit in this country unless it’s Left: In politics, education, art, entertainment, news media, science, environmentalism… even childhood has been tainted by scary AlGore. Gone is the fear of God, replaced with Left-Wing paranoia and delusions of controling the climate in exchange for hunger and misery for most humans.

Gory Al will stay fat and grow even richer as an elite member of the Left.

When the Stalinist in our government, settle into their posts as guardians of The People’s Business, history books will be rewritten and George W. Bush will go down officially, as the worst person ever. Guess who will be number one?

Hollywood pukes don’t understand the damage they did to Vietnam Veterans, nor do they care. They make movies and they must be Left-Wing. The bad guys in their movies are never Reds, like them, nor is it now Islamic Terrorists or Islamic men who beat their wives and rape their children. It’s always some “Right-Wing” cabal of old Nazi/Republicans behind all evil.

No great film was made about the taking of Baghdad, Falluja, or General Petraeus’ brilliant Counter-Insurgency operation in Iraq. Because that’s not Left.

So the truth itself does not fit into the Left. But it means something to me… because I know it means something to the remaining warriors from the Vietnam Era and their Brothers in Arms.


Update: Just experienced it again chatting with a friend on FaceBook. Only Left-Wing Healthcare is legit. Off to Cuba for a check-up, I say!

Downdate: The now ex-friend deleted all my comments on FaceBook. Typical Liberal Fascist.

demotape: this guy’s good

Posted in audio, music, word-drum with tags , , , on July 7, 2009 by Word-Drum


                                     Mile High Standards

(“Small Hotel” has a new version and arrangement)

Go HERE and download these songs (for free). Hear some swinging jazz, a funky version of “I’m Always Chasing Rainbows,” and a fresh Latin-Jazz-Rock arrangement of Billie Strayhorn’s “Raincheck.” [songs first posted have been revised]

For the Avant Garde, check out the last song(not part of the CD), a “Free-Hop” improvisation called “government.” I jam with Ronald Reagan on that one.

Mile High Standards (free to download Here)

– “Small Hotel”
– “Raincheck”
– “How Long Has Thias been Going On”
-“Fine and Dandy”
– “I’m Always Chasing Rainbows”
– “Way Down Yonder In New Orleans”
– “When Your Lover Has Gone”
– “Two Sleepy People”
– “government”

All music arranged, performed (vocals, piano, guitar, samples, loops) and recorded by Word-Drum.

                                        Normally I hate jazz

thus proclaims barack

Posted in history, Islam, Israel, media, obama, war with tags , on June 5, 2009 by Word-Drum

In Cairo, President Obama woos “The Muslim World.” (If I were a Muslim, I would want to get out of that world.) Funny how the liberal media is so thrilled about the speech, and so disinterested in a world filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, who torture, rape and murder with pleasure, where Sunni hates Shite, but all are united in hating and killing the Jews.



Waterboarding’s torture
but not cutting off a hand
America tortured
not Saudi or Iran
Embrace the Islamic Nation
O’s Master Plan
but only liberal dreamers
can fully understand

There is no history
only the TV newscaster
Muslim Brotherhood’s a mystery
Arafat was no disaster

“a speech never heard before”
Islamists make a score
Barack the speech master
leads the world to certain war



video: “the chosen few”

Posted in video, war with tags , , , on May 3, 2009 by Word-Drum

SOG Media (Uncle Jimbo)

word-drum at

Posted in word-drum with tags on April 24, 2009 by Word-Drum

  thumbnailcat0lbyt          b2c0b75b7d8e9072

Today I started posting at See my first post:

“Abu Hillary: Bla Bla…Palestinians…Bla, Bla…what Muslims want

“The Earth’s Post Earth Day Message”(4/25/09)


word-drum’s warning

Posted in Islam, obama era with tags , , , , , , on April 21, 2009 by Word-Drum

thumbnailcajc2ohg4When all hell breaks out in this country, and you can’t surf the net anymore, I want you to remember your old friend Word-Drum.

The jihadis said: “We’ll be back.” President Bush had an answer to that.

With a fellow traveler in the White House, swinging the gate open, they will hit us again.

If you survive the first wave of attacks, you might ask yourself:  how did this happen?

It happened because of The Left. Obama’s Left. They are as important to the Jihad as bombs and terror. Before they strike, and why shouldn’t they, the liberals are on their side, we have to take away the Left’s power.

They have opened the door to the fox and invited him into the henhouse for a hearty meal. It is our Constitutional right to get rid of them before we are attacked again. They won’t defend the Constitution or the American people. The Left are traitors and the reason half the country will be on fire and our world will be shattered.


                  stiffies all around

right-wing extremists

Posted in history, obama era with tags , , , , , on April 16, 2009 by Word-Drum

               200 hat tip Michelle Malkin       

                        Left-Wing Extremists     
                         Left-Wing Extremists 
Hands off our Troops bitches!                                                                                                    

progress towards death

Posted in liberals, word-drum with tags , , , on April 4, 2009 by Word-Drum

How many more cops and soldiers will die because of “Progressives”?

With millions of abortions wiping out the innocent, the liberals and their lawyers also target the strong and the brave.

It’s time to stop listening to them and change back the law to favor the police and the military, rather than the Progressive way, where it’s the criminal and the enemy who get preference.

Otherwise we are all going to die.

Now the thin blue line needs reinforcement. We who are protected by the cops and who support them have to stand up. The needless death of four officers in Oakland, CA, could have been prevented by shooting the scumbag in the head. But the high and mighty liberals prevented the wise course of action.

Some will never give up their weapons to the fascist Left, but in most big cities it’s already been done. But anyone can get weapons if they want them, and as we have again seen this week in Pittsburgh, our police officers are getting killed.

                  F’d-up in Oakland

The filth that would march in support of someone who was wanted for child rape and then murders four cops, don’t matter. F-ck them and all who blather about police brutality. Unleash the police or we will be living in the Third World very soon.

note to new readers

Posted in Goldwater, word-drum with tags , , , on April 3, 2009 by Word-Drum


thumbnailcax5ndch3My tagline  “extremism in defense of liberty” is from Barry Goldwater (1909-1998) US Senator (R Arizona).

    It goes like this…


    “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice.”

    “Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue.”


evironmental reminisence

Posted in enviro-marxists, music with tags , , , , on April 2, 2009 by Word-Drum

The modern environmental movement began in 1970. That was a big year for me. I not only started recycling, it was the year the world of music opened up for a kid from the suburbs. This world was revealed to me by Frank Zappa. thumbnailcarhrhr31

I was a Rocker turned Zappa Freak.  Zappa led me to Modern Music, and wanting to be a composer. I came to love Stravinsky, Varese and other favorites of Frank; while at the same time, through the radio, I discovered jazz. I embraced the music of Coltrane, Rollins, Monk, Miles, Ornette, Cecil Taylor, The Art Ensemble of Chicago, and many others.

thumbnailcawf1t8m1You could say I was an environmentalist by recycling and turning off lights(my father loved that), but today the meaning has changed, something that happens with so many words used by the Left. Lost of all meaning are significant words like “peace”, “justice”, “fairness”, etc.

Since 1970 the air and water are cleaner, even with growing population. Starting in the 70s there were environmental activists who cordially sat down with corporations to retool and make changes which were beneficial to the environment. They did not demand closure of all energy producing operations like the Enviro-Marxists and the people who call themselves environmentalist today, who want us to live like the poor of the Third World, or a Soveit clinging to prescious squares of toilet paper.

thumbnailcalxdo251A Green Monster can’t blend in with the tribe. Let us remember and give thanks to the OG Greens. They were effective and beneficial to all people (except millions of Africans who died because they banned DDT) and the environment.(Yes, I also know they were always a bunch of Socialists. I’m trying to be positive.) This common sense approach should either be adopted by the Green Movement, or the Greens should be recycled. We can make something useful from them rather than be dragged back to being dirty, diseased, cold and hungry. Save the humans, eat the Greens.

talk radio hip hop

Posted in talk radio, word-drum with tags , , , , , on March 31, 2009 by Word-Drum

thumbnailca6ee40yBoasting was a mainstay of Rap Music. I don’t know or care if it still is since Hip Hop has lost its appeal to this music lover.

East Coast West Coast rivalry reached a violent peek with the shootings of Biggy Smalls and the last truly great Hip Hop artist, Tupak Shakur.

Boasting of ones skills was part of the dance and those with skills did this with humor and in a way that fit into the form. The drive-by shootings were not the music. This went beyond boasting, the law,  and the form of music called Hip Hop.

In radio there are certain laws. Break these laws too many times and the quality of the broadcast suffers. As I have written, ego is essential to success. Word-Drum never forgets the Greeks: “All things in moderation.” Excessive ego in a radio talk show hosts poisons the other important issues and messages raised.

The King of Talk Radio has a near perfect balance of ego and decorum(the laws of radio). Rush never insults the other talk show hosts. Mark Levin, who I love and respect, however, does too often dis other hosts in competition with him. This is boring.

I’m starting to listen to a bit of Savage again. The killing of four Police Officers in Oakland sickens me.  But he too makes this fatal mistake and together with being a little crazy( I should talk) his broadcasts are uneven and flawed by free style boasting with no groove, rhymes, or dope lyrical content.

liberal jihad not so flashy

Posted in Islam, liberals with tags , , on March 24, 2009 by Word-Drum

At any moment a Muslim(10 % or more) might launch a violent jihad. In a blinding blaze they kill and die for Islam.

The liberal is less dramatic in their true belief. They wage war (while giving away their power) every time they vote for and embrace Liberalism.

For it’s not what they think it is. Our power comes to us from the Founders. The liberal sits on the Constitution while it’s aged vellum tears from the strain. Out of their ass, they stick new meaning to the hollowed document into the holes they tore.

But it’s happy-go-lucky jihad. The demolition done to society by Marxist values is not worth noting in our liberal country. Since liberals have no new idea to replace it with except to paint green what was formally red.

The jihadi uses Takkiah as religious cover to lie to us infidels. The liberal uses the Democratic Party and the Liberal Mainstream Media to backup the lies they tell (to themselves and others).

Just as the jihadi might reconsider doing an “operation” if he really understood the evil of jihad, the liberal voter must never know what he really is.

The destruction of the family in order to end Capitalism and democracy, to replace it with an Authoritarian regime only wanting power and control. But since they would be much like the current regime, they would be unable to govern in a way advantages to anyone but themselves.

The odds are better with Muslims. Most want no part in causing death and destruction. Most of our liberals seem ready to casually jump off the cliff. Which is why I don’t trust ’em as far as I can spit.

cold and hungry: the triumph of green

Posted in enviro-marxists, obama era with tags , on March 18, 2009 by Word-Drum

 2012, North West USA

thumbnailcaemp0yr1A small group huddles around an insufficient fire made from burning currency. Burning wood is banned to prevent Global Warming. The old friends all worked to elect President Obama. Though relations between them are strained, they still tell each other that more time must be given to Barack to prove himself. It’s only been a few years and though they are all cold and hungry, they still believe in the great change and hope of Obama. That’s why it does not bother them that Obama lives well and they don’t anymore.

Internally they are in turmoil. Sally thought a world without cars and carbon omissions would be paradise. But her hair has been dirty for two weeks, her husband smells so bad she can’t bear him. All she thinks about is a hot shower, a hot meal, and watching TV while eating snacks.

Tim liked shopping at Walmart. He misses his truck and all the things corporations supplied him with. He is sorry he worked so hard to put the coal companies out of business. The North West gets mighty cold and clouds made his solar panels useless and added to his bankrupt state.

Their thoughts aside, as a group they never showed doubt. They would repeat how former fat cats are now living like them. It was designed to cover up the fact of their wretched existence.

Jim had been reading and wanted to share something with the group. “The book claimed Barack was a Marxist. He used the environmental movement to destroy Capitalism.”

“That sounds like Fox News.” said Mary.

“I know Mary, but what if it’s true?”

“Then go join the military and rednecks in the insurgency” Mary barked back.

Jim liked Mary and wanted to be with her. “If we join them we don’t have to become rednecks or leathernecks. Besides, my dad was a Marine. I never knew him. He was killed in war and was never able to explain things to me. But I met one of his old friends from the Corps in the woods last month. He gave me this:”  (he holds up a 45).

The group is shocked at the sight of a firearm. They have been hunting for food without one since they are all opposed to guns. Even if they would be eating much better if they used one. They have been ripped off twice and were powerless to stop it.

“I hear they have a nice camp with running water and electricity” Mary found herself saying out loud.

Jim gets his happy ending and away the two go to join the New American Patriot Movement. They meet the Marine in the woods and he leads them in. By the next year there are no more hold outs. The regime falls and democracy is reinstated. Being cold and hungry lead some to desperate acts of violence and retribution. Poor Al Gore was set on fire and used to warm a family of six. Tim Geithner was forced to a work camp and made to clean toilets using his degrees as rags. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were both crucified by angry mobs. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid both flew off for South America, but their plane was shot down by the Russians( in Cuba). I could go on, since it’s my story, but you get the picture.

The final image is reminiscent of the end of “The Jerk.”  Pants falling down, Barry clings to his telepromter. Walking out of the White House he grabs other items, while babeling to his telepromter.  “You always told me what to say, and now nothing.” 

The telepromter slithered out of his grip. It already had a contract to do Talk Radio. Rush Limbaugh had given it some good advice. Barry was totally alone.

when right meets wrong

Posted in obama era, word-drum with tags , , , on March 16, 2009 by Word-Drum

thumbnailca48x7jq4    thumbnailcakiirvt        

another liberal confrontation
English bitch for a Socialist Nation
had to to say she hates Bush
so with my words, I gave her a push
I know she loves Saddam
and Islam
the hag probably marched to Ban The Bomb
In 2003, I couldn’t wait for the push
I hate Saddam, and love Bush

angry bitch still not happy
victory still leaves liberals
mad and scrappy
funny how she came back for more
like she never met The Right before

that National Health is not for us
our care is better, In God We Trust
big ass government is not American
shut her up, don’t want hear that shit again

had to tone it down cause my boss could hear
been marked by liberals, it cost me dear
not ready to lay down and die
to Euro-Trash and the Marxist lie

Trigger Reset

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PUMABydesign001's Blog

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.” Ronald Reagan.

Citizen Tom

Welcome to Conservative commentary and Christian prayers from Mount Vernon, Ohio.

BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

Peace & Truth

KINDNESS IS FREE, sprinkle it all over the world, and 😁 smile