Archive for the 9/11 Category

video: muslims celebrate the burning of notre dame cathedral

Posted in 9/11, Islam, news and politics, terrorism, video, war on April 16, 2019 by Word-Drum

happy birthday KSM

Posted in 9/11, Islam, obama, terrorism, war with tags , on February 11, 2019 by Word-Drum


Why is KSM still alive?

Not all of POS Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s prayers have been answered. But Allah and the U.S. government have granted him his life.

The Martyr of 2006

Torture! was decried by the Left endlessly. Sort of like ‘Russia’ last year. He was the torture victim. Water-boarding KSM was as usual compared to Hitler. “That’s not who we are” said Obama (that’s the Republicans).

Our AG at the time was Eric Holder, whose law firm, before returning to government, specialized in representing terrorists. His DOJ did not discriminate against Muslims (all of them, as was Obama’s policy).

Obama’s people linger on. Is it their love that keeps KSM fat and sassy?? Eric Holder and Obama are gone, but their Leftist lawyers still haunt every branch of the Federal Government.

N.Y. Post:

They say the wheels of justice turn slowly — but now they’ve ground to a virtual halt.

Seventeen years after they helped murder 2,977 innocents in the worst terrorist attack on US soil, five 9/11 suspects — including self-avowed mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — have not faced trial.

Victims’ families say the legal limbo puts them through hell.

“It’s outrageous the length of time this has taken,” Debby Jenkins, who lost her brother Joseph Jenkins in the World Trade Center attacks, told The Post on Monday.

“Thousands and thousands of people have been affected. Families have been destroyed. There will never be closure, but we would just love to see justice served. That’s what we’re waiting for.”

“These people were instrumental in torturing and killing almost 3,000 people — one of whom was my son,” she told The Post on Monday. “They’re creepy people, and they murdered a lot of us, and they deserve to suffer and die.”

clocks, no phones

Posted in 9/11 with tags on May 3, 2013 by Word-Drum


I keep seeing 9:11 when I look at my clock. It’s trying to tell me something.

It happens sometimes twice a day.

Are you serious?

My clock says 9:11 twice a day too. It means that your clock works.

It works alright. It’s talking to me.

In Russian?

No. It’s telling me that 9-11 means something.

What could it mean?


[It’s 2099. There are no public search engines. ‘Google’ now means to be searched out by the government, then the Chinese get your organs and any salvageable body parts. The contents of your brain are downloaded to a cloud, and the search is complete.]

Maybe the old man knows what it means.


The old man opens his curtains and speaks to his neighbor.

Yes. I’m here.

Does 9:11 mean anything to you?

9:11? 50 years ago, some had phones. You could call anyone and they could call you. We were told to call 911 to report all crime and unpatriotic behavior.

[Now there is no opposition, and crime is unreported. There is no need to contact the authorities.]

Could it mean something else?

Yes it could my friend.

9-11-2001, nearly one hundred years ago, Prince Osama is said to have sent a message of greeting to the whole world, welcoming them to the new century… on that date.

It was a joyous time of celebration and peace.

And now we are again entering a new century, do you think another saintly message will come Hussein…and bring joy back to the Obamaland ?[-what most people call America in 2099.]

If it is Allah’s will, my friend.

Gurtek, down at the Laundry, told me all the government officials have left the East Coast, just like before the war. [World War IV lasted 2 days. WW III really took the steam out of the world’s fighting forces and weapons systems.]

The Socialist Islamic States of America have traveled a long road. From our founding by Marx and Mohammed, to The One who saved us from the Capitalists. BH Obama, to his great grandson, MF Obama, have kept us alive.

Strepchik the super, told me that everything we were told about our history is wrong. It’s all lies.

He’s crazy.

He said those Capitalist weren’t so bad. And neither were the Christians.

When did he tell you that?

Last week.

He’s probably been Googled by now. Too bad, he me owed 20 cloppers.


[In 2045, these founders of the New American Revolution were dubbed: “The Heroes of Bengazi.” No one now knows why.]

Then the old man stood up (something he never did). He pointed at them.

You will all die tomorrow Infidels. I told you to come to Allah. Yet you go along without praying. Yes, you have given us Muslims everything we want in Obamaland, but it is not enough.

The destruction of Israel was only a short lived delight. But there is too much unholiness in this world. It is not fit for Muslims, and we will destroy it all…tomorrow.

At what time?

9:11 a.m.

I knew it.

what’s his game?

Posted in 9/11, democrats, Iran, Islam, Israel, liberals, news and politics on September 21, 2012 by Word-Drum

We have learned that some Muslims are easily upset. Our government feels their pain, the Muslims being such sensitive people, they want to take them in their arms and rock them.

The Founders made Freedom of Speech the First Amendment. Numero Uno. If this government doesn’t honor that, they should be thrown out of office.

We won’t be under Sharia in America. Not gonna happen.

[For those not as hip as some of my readers, under the Sharia (Islamic Law) there is no criticism of Islam allowed.]

The blood thirsty mobs won’t stand for free speech, and our government is bowing to their genocidal rage. And leaving high and dry all Muslims yearning for their full human rights.

We remember 9/11. Let’s at least cut all aid to Egypt, as we are putting a great deal of advanced weaponry in there. The old alliance will break down soon (if it hasn’t already) between Israel and Egypt. The Army will lose power and the war will start.

What game is our government playing? Obama is still an unknown.

His followers are zoned out. They don’t follow this. Many are Jewish and still don’t care, and don’t know that our government seems to be facilitating more Islamic fervor. They are running out of Christians to murder.

Many Muslims will die in the wars, and they will keep coming.

We remember 9/11. We know the side that’s not so sensitive. Why is Obama and Hillary stirring them up?

Some say the Left is like the Islamists, only they like sex, drugs and rock and roll. But they both want central control.

We want the freedom of speech and the rest of the Constitution to be the law of the land. And to be left alone. Let’s leave Afghanistan and let the tribes fight it out. We gave it our best shot there and in Iraq, and we helped for a while.

Why shouldn’t Americans be able to make films mocking Islam? Millions are spent every year by major corporations producing anti- Christian propaganda. They call it “entertainment.” We all have a right to say, write or mime whatever the f-ck we want.

movie critics riot? sounds good to obama media

Posted in 9/11, democrats, Islam, news and politics, terrorism with tags , on September 15, 2012 by Word-Drum


Muslim Brotherhood and the killing and persecution of Christians in Egypt

Now, emboldened by the Muslim Brotherhood rising to power in Egypt, Muslim jihadist organizations are openly calling for genocide against the Egyptian Christian population. The extremist group El Fagr openly distributed leaflets titled “An Urgent and Important Notice,” it begins by calling on “all brothers and sisters” to “kill or physically attack the enemies of the religion of Allah—the Christians in all of Egypt’s provinces, the slaves of the Cross, Allah’s curse upon them” ( The next day, Christian Refaat Eskander was murdered while tending to his shoe store in Asyut.



The Christian Science Monitor:

There may be no anti-Islamic movie at all

There have already been a bunch of lies associated with the alleged film. A man named “Sam Bacile” was identified as being the writer and producer. He claimed to be an Israeli citizen. The Israelis say they have no record of him. He claimed to have spent $5 million on the movie. The clip online doesn’t look like even $100,000 was spent. There is no record of a “Sam Bacile” living in California, and his strange insistence on the fact that he was Jewish and that he had exclusively Jewish funders for his film in an interview with the Associated Press now looks like something of a red flag.


brotherhood with the state dept

Posted in 9/11, democrats, Islam, news and politics with tags , on September 14, 2012 by Word-Drum

The Independent

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

(later in the article)

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.

Senior officials are increasingly convinced, however, that the ferocious nature of the Benghazi attack, in which rocket-propelled grenades were used, indicated it was not the result of spontaneous anger due to the video, called Innocence of Muslims. Patrick Kennedy, Under-Secretary at the State Department, said he was convinced the assault was planned due to its extensive nature and the proliferation of weapons.

Continue with More Horror From The Islamic World

We all mark 9/11 in our own way. This is how they do it over there.

I’m sure Susan Sarandon will understand.

trade world center

Posted in 9/11, economy, politics on September 11, 2012 by Word-Drum

They were bold. So were we. They weren’t called The Towers for nothing. They reached over the city with the energy of a million dancers.

When you entered the massive structures, you would find the human-scale inside and outside the buildings.

More than symbols to be destroyed by monsters for no good reason, they embodied and expressed a dynamic nation. Functional and beautiful.

They towered over the city and the free world. Where people traded the fruits of their labor in honest exchanges, in the pursuit of happiness and prosperity.

                                      Trading Freedom

We sit and wait for the decision on our futures in November.

I need to start a small business, which would be pointless if Obama wins.

We watch as the cost for everthing rises, and the value of what we own falls.

We can’t help wondering if like Washington D.C., our future will be grey hulking buildings low to the ground, not reaching boldly to the sky…

finishing the job
in Soviet America.

following bachmann

Posted in 9/11, Islam, news and politics with tags on July 26, 2012 by Word-Drum

Checking my usual sources over the past week,(Drudge, Free Republic, Hot Air and others) I could find very little on the whole Michelle Bachmann Muslim Brotherhood controversy. Listening to Mark Levin today, he brought to my attention an NPR report from June 25th, 2012.


The FBI is investigating more than 100 suspected Muslim extremists who are part of the U.S. military community, officials tell NPR. U.S. authorities have increased scrutiny since the 2009 shooting attack at Fort Hood, Texas, that left 13 dead. Maj. Nidal Hasan, charged with the killings…


There are charges that Rep. Bachmann (coming from Democrats and Republicans in Washington D.C.) has gone over the line in asking questions about Islamist influence in the halls of power. If Senator McCain isn’t interested, perhaps the FBI think it’s worth looking into.

Or have they been infiltrated too?

It’s been known for five years about Huma Abedin’s family back in Egypt. We learned recently about her family here in the US. The Weiner family is connected to the Clinton Family. The Abedin family (The Brotherhood) is also connected to the Clintons. The Clinton Library and Massage Parlor is heavily funded by rich Gulf state donors

I don‘t want to sound like a Left-Wing kook with this one‘s connected to that one… But these are well known facts.

Why, you might ask, would devout Muslims (let alone Islamic Supremacists) let their daughter marry a Jew who exposes his wiener on the Internet and is also called that…and gives that name to a good Muslim girl?

That doesn’t matter. We are talking about National Security.

Why do you single out Muslims evil Right-Winger?, you ask.

Because they are special.

mother of new york

Posted in 9/11, Islam, liberals, news and politics with tags on September 9, 2011 by Word-Drum

Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to be our Mother. But I already have one. She’s a liberal fanatic too, so what do I need him for?

Wall Street Journal:>

Bloomberg: Sunday’s 9/11 Ceremony a Civil, Not Religious Occasion Continue>

Mothers don’t dig holes (only for planting flowers) and build things, so we can’t expect that kind of manly behavior from Mother Bloomberg. The hole at Ground Zero is a tribute to the liberals. Ten years of bla bla for Mother B and the other Mothers, and a whole new market for his media empire: the Ragheads.

If kissing raghead ass makes Bloomy a billionaire, think what it could do for you. You could be Mayor or President, rich and famous for no apparent reason other than kissing raghead ass. 
                                                                                                 Mother says build this.(A Victory Mosque at Ground Zero)

The liberals will replace Duty, Honor, and Country, as well as God Himself, with Mother Bloomberg, Katherine (Tiller the Baby Killer’s biggest defender) Sibelius, and Barack Insane Obama. They will rule over us and tell us what to do like the Mother we already have. What’s the point? Who needs them? Where’s Dad?


These are my other Mothers (that’s enough)…


jihad by the numbers

Posted in 9/11, news and politics, war on September 4, 2011 by Word-Drum

In the years after 9/11 numerology seemed important. Maybe you were like me in that every month on the 11th you half expected another attack. Then maybe on the anniversary. 9 and 11 could be reversed thus other signs could be concealed in the date. These small numbers are manageable for a jazz musician. As long as it’s not more than 32.

And finally, maybe you thought “Thanks Dick Cheney, Thanks Marines…for scaring the shit out of Al Qaeda and disrupting their networks.”

But this is the big anniversary and there is word that Garbage Bin Laden was possibly planning something to mark his Magnum Opus. But did you see poor Osama? He didn’t seem capable of bringing down a trailer park let alone the USA.

Even with Obombo‘s Crew, the Ragheads can’t destroy America.

If you hold your head at just the right angle, perhaps you can see something. The Great Rag Head Jihad is fizzling out. The jive ass Arab Spring could turn into true liberation for the Islamic World (in Shalala). At the same time Liberalism and the Left are losing credibility in the West. Islamo-Fascism and Neo-Communism are two of the greatest plagues on the peoples of the world. We could see them both disappear like the Soviet Empire.

Why shouldn’t it happen!? Not that long ago Detroit was a golden city on a hill. It was the American Dream. It built millions of cars and millions of American families. So now it’s cash for clunkers. The families are all broken and illiterate. The Demonrats have destroyed Detroit (Destroit). It’s time to say so long to this corrupt gang of misfits and unleash the combination of Black Power, the Rule of Law, and Free Enterprise.

Like Abby Lincoln sang “Everything must change.”

I’m writing this a week before 9-11-2011. If we get by this 10 year anniversary, that’s a good sign the jihadis are done. (The ones that bomb, not the creeping sharia types from the Muslim Brotherhood. They will keep on the slow road to submission to Islam. Good luck with that in the US after we throw the bums out of office.)

If the Brothers put on a show, knowing it’s make or break time, I’d like to thank all my readers and wish you well since at the end of the world there will be no email or blogs.

With a bang or a whimper things are going to change. The answers seem to be right in front of our faces. If we’re not blown up next week, wouldn’t it be nice to see Detroit reborn. To see real hope that has been suppressed for too long, unleashed. To see a renaissance in America. I know the arts could use another one. I believe those who say we can heal ourselves, we don’t need no stinkin’ help from the Government. Whose government is it anyway? And who are they thinking they control everything under God’s green earth including the weather!?

On a peaceful Sunday next weekend, let’s give thanks to the strong who fought the evil ones who attacked us 10 years ago. God Bless all members of the U.S. Armed Forces and great leaders like Vice President Cheney, Tony Blair, and President Bush.

But we will never forget who attacked us. We know who they are now. We have their number. They have been at war with us for ages. We have decided to defeat them. We can also decide on our form of government (we can keep what we were given by God and the Founders, or swing with whatever the liberals want to do this week).

Just like we said to Al Qaeda, we can tell the Left: So long Suckers!

president puke and eric the red

Posted in 9/11, democrats, military, news and politics, obama era on May 6, 2011 by Word-Drum

Some of us still remember the dark days of the war in Iraq (around 2006 and 07). Every day our Troops were stabbed in the back by the Democrats and the rest of the Left. They tortured us with their accusations of torture.

Now they want us to rally behind the great jihadi killer Obama. Yet Holder goes ahead with his prosecutions of CIA interrogators, and will defend any terrorist we lay our hands on.

Wall Street Journal:

The Waterboarding Trail to bin Laden by Michael B. Mukasey

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden said that as late as 2006 fully half of the government’s knowledge about the structure and activities of al Qaeda came from harsh interrogations.


The current president ran for election on the promise to do away with them [enhanced interrogation techiques] even before he became aware, if he ever did, of what they were. Days after taking office he directed that the CIA interrogation program be done away with entirely, and that interrogation be limited to the techniques set forth in the Army Field Manual, a document designed for use by even the least experienced troops. It’s available on the Internet and used by terrorists as a training manual for resisting interrogation.

Continue…and they say KSM doesn’t like bugs

ubl goes to hell

Posted in 9/11, news and politics on May 2, 2011 by Word-Drum

CIA operation kills Osama bin Laden in Pakistan LA Times

      Statement by George W. Bush:

“Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”

have a little faith? (jihad blues)

Posted in 9/11, Islam, news and politics with tags , on February 5, 2011 by Word-Drum

Have a little faith in the Arab street?
Have a little faith in the calm elite?
It’s the march of freedom, do you hear the beat?
Have a little faith!?

No faith in the Arab Street
free to do what and to whom?
No faith in the calm elite
call me the prophet of doom

The smell of Ground Zero has faded
but rises in the Arab street
the elite are so elated
for them history does not repeat

The elite dance to their own beat
but genocide from Islam does repeat
shall we bend over too for the Arab street?
give them the Christians and the Jews?
take the word of NBC News?
no faith just jihad blues

hole in the heart

Posted in 9/11, audio, democrats, liberals, obama era, terrorism, video, war with tags , , on September 5, 2010 by Word-Drum

Bloomberg New Yorkers have responded to 9/11 with a big Zero. Where great buildings should stand to replace the Towers, there is nothing. Where leadership is needed, there is nothing.

Maybe Michelle and Barack are right: America Sucks.

But while the liberals do nothing to protect us from the Islamic onslaught, criminals flowing over the border, Russian, Chinese or Iranian threats, they are busy getting into every aspect of our personal business. It doesn’t matter that most of what they want to impose on us is based on Junk Science. Why liberals don’t want to tell our enemies what to do, just the American people, is yet another reason to hate them all.



There’s a hole where the World Trade Center once towered over the City.

There’s an asshole at Gracie Mansion where Rudi once lived.

And there’s whole lot of nothin’ in the White House where there once lived great men who loved their country and it’s people. There’s a hole…

Monday: nothing; Tuesday: nothing; next Saturday: nothing.

jew of the year (not really)

Posted in 9/11, Islam, liberals, news and politics, obama era, religion with tags , on August 26, 2010 by Word-Drum

                                          I love this website…

Bare Naked Islam:

Spurred by a recent boom in sales in the region, Bloomberg is expanding its Dubai office into a regional hub, a move that will as much as quadruple its local staff over the next year.

The new regional hub will cover the GCC, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Read more

my trip to mecca

Posted in 9/11, Islam, news and politics, religion, word-drum with tags on August 22, 2010 by Word-Drum

My trip to Mecca
did not happen
it’s Tora Bora
for Jewish Rappin’
I’m all about
finger snappin’
not mutilation
and whips crackin’

I only wanted
to build a shul
a funky little place
where Jews are cool
and maybe a school
Get real you say
this guy’s a fool

My trip to Mecca
was to be for peace
to build a bridge
defrost the fridge
and make the war cease
hostility decrease
if time, drop a rhyme
for a prisoner release

Not gonna happen
like the Ground-Zero Mosque
I’ll take Manhattan
they can keep Mecca
the Mosque gets tossed
or America’s lost
we’ll fight for freedom
at any cost






Atlas Shrugs:

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE! GROUND ZERO MOSQUE IMAM FEISAL’S EXTREMISM EXPOSED: IN HIS OWN WORDS: “the United States has more blood on its hands than al Qaida,” Elimination of Israel, the N-Word, “Fahrenheit 911”
Read more

video: kill the mosque

Posted in 9/11, Islam, news and politics, terrorism, video, war on July 15, 2010 by Word-Drum


Klein Verzet: “Dutch government finances Ground Zero Mosque”

a million Euros.

in defense of war

Posted in 9/11, democrats, Islam, liberals, military, obama era, terrorism, war, weapons, word-drum with tags , , , , , on July 12, 2010 by Word-Drum

Like many students around the age of 20, I went through my Existentialist Period. Not much of anything from Sartre except

         “Hell is other people”

from his play No Exit, had much of an impact.

But Albert Camus was not only a better writer than the Marxist Sartre, his novel The Plague, still speaks to man’s existence.

The hero, a doctor who fights The Plague, survives. While those who run away die.

  Fight The Plague or die from it.

The Modern Plague is Radical Islam. If we withdraw from Afghanistan, it will embolden the jihadists. People will die, women will be tortured, and no one will know.

Not content to be King Piggy at home, these men want to kill and enslave us all. The Obots will let the Muslims conquer us so as not to offend them. They will mark their victory the way they always do, with a large Mosque at the site of what is for them their greatest accomplishment in hundreds of years: 9/11.

The only reason to withdraw Coalition Forces from the region is to bomb it from the air. This, along with a hundred Muslims killed for every American victim of jihad, should be on the table. We need not leave the country to find Muslims. Let’s bring all the Troops home and send in the Air Force, The Navy and Special Ops. Let Muslims suffer for Islam instead of us.

Waiting for the shit to hit is no way for a man to act. After Osama gets off his nuclear attack on America, there will be plenty of gung-ho sentiment. It will then be too late to man-up, but we’ll do it anyway. It won’t matter, nothing will.

I have heard it from a variety of sources that the Islamo-Terrorists were “impressed” by our taking out of Saddam and defeating Al Qaeda in Iraq. Taking the war to the enemy is the only thing that gets through to them. They want us to surrender to Islam. So they must surrender to us. They started it, and we will finish it or freedom will perish.

                       We Shall Fight. We Shall Never Surrender.

hairy decade (crown thy good)

Posted in 9/11, terrorism, word-drum with tags , , , , , on July 9, 2010 by Word-Drum

What a decade it’s been! On the eleventh of September in the first year, I watched the World Trade Center be destroyed on television.

It was one of the rare times that watching TV didn’t mean looking at people’s hair. Not that it’s a personal interest, or that there is anything wrong with hairdressers. But I can’t help noticing the hair, and sometimes stop listening.

One year later I was back in the U.S. for the first time in seven years. I tell the story here.

If you read the story, know that the narrator had pretty good hair(then).

It’s the decade I went from the Left to the Right. And I’m not talking about parting my hair. More hair and some family hairstory: “Part of the Zionist Conspiracy.” or comb through this: Jimmy Martyr and see photos of The Tower I lived in, where(you guessed it) I could finally let my hair down.

I was as hard-headed as any Lefty, and it only took another gang of crazy Muslims to start to clear my head (below the wavy cut I was styling).

One thing led to another. Life experience with the groovy people made rejecting them easy. Now the crew cut of some Marine seems groovy(and easy to manage) not because of how it looks, but because of what the Marines represent.

Now it is as clear as what’s on Bloggo’s head that the True Blue will set this country right. Perfect? No. But in that general direction. “God mend thine ev’ry flaw”

Dig this:

 America, The Beautiful Lyrics
by Katharine Lee Bates – 1913

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassion’d stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine!

O Beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

the real skinny on word-drum and obama

Posted in 9/11, obama, politics, war, word-drum with tags , , , , , on April 28, 2010 by Word-Drum

We have arrived and now it can be said:  

              I am a Marxist/Leninist.

This blog is a ruse. It has been used to fool Right-Wingers thru subterfuge and infiltration — in order to defeat them.

My commitment to Marxist/Leninism began when I was a Grad Student.

I did not openly associate with groups professing that philosophy. They were filled with deeply disturbed individuals and government agents. I joined an anti-Militarism group on campus that had no professed political ideology. Secretly, I decided then to commit myself the most effective way create revolution in the belly of the beast: America.

It was at that time that I first became aware of Barack Obama, who was enrolled at Columbia University where I was a Campus Organizer. I was looking to take my involvement in the Struggle to a higher level, and so was Barack.

As a representative of my group, I went to a meeting of students against Apartheid. This was before the issue erupted in America , a couple of years later. That’s when I first saw Barack. After that, I started to hear about him and others who were part of something larger than organizing protests.

It was no accident that enticing bits of information were fed to me. Without knowing it, I was tested and probed for my entry into the Movement, not as a meaningless demonstrator, but as a soldier in the Revolution.

After the New Left failed, The Movement infiltrated Foundations, Science, Education and Hollywood. This spread to the News and Entertainment Industries. Culminating in the election of Barack Obama. Marching in the streets and signing petitions did not bring this about.

I joined the Movement and worked behind the scenes, helping to coordinate operations, providing intelligence and acting as conduit. Some of my ideas were picked up by others. They might of taken credit, but I didn’t mind. The Nuclear Freeze Movement was actually my idea.(It was sparked by a ‘brain-freeze’ while drinking a frozen papaya drink on the Upper-West Side.)

Outwardly and privately the Movement was in trouble after Ronald Reagan was elected President. I fled the country before 1984, along with other of my fellow politicos.

Even though I hadn’t done any work for the Movement in years, I asked my old contact in New York when I returned there a few years later, in which city would my skills might be needed? He told me there were some people in the Bay Area who could really help the Movement, but they lack perspective since everybody they know is the same when it comes to politics. Some things I had learned in the City would prepare these recruits for the Big Time.

After that I went back and forth from New York to Europe. In Amsterdam I was put in contact with several individuals from mostly Middle-Eastern countries. All the while keeping up my appearance as an Ex-Pat musician. It was true but I also needed a cover. I never gave up on the Movement.

Even though I am coming clean here about my ideology, I can’t say too much. But even living in Amsterdam, I heard of a Saudi Prince who was working with the Movement to develop a group of promising students, devoted to the Struggle. One was an Organizer who wanted a law degree from Harvard. They called him The Kenyan. I knew who it was.

Barack always wanted to take everything to the next level. Doling out millions with our friend Bill Ayers, from his work with the Annenberg Challenge Fund, was not enough for him. He wanted to do more for ACORN which was seen as the Movement’s most important organization.

The Saudi Prince saw him as a good investment. I was told Obama traveled to the Middle-East and South-East Asia to meet with the Brothers. He had excellent relations with them and they trusted him since he seemed to believe in the Palestinians more than they did.

By this time, the struggle was as much for our Islamic Brothers as it was for communism. We were working together. They had great amounts of available cash, where as in the States, our funds were mostly tied up in Foundations. The black ops that help get us to this point (control of the White House and the Congress) could not be on any books.

I was told to return to America after 9/11. I worked to set-up the 9/11 Truth Movement. Alex Jones was receiving funds (thru our organization) from rich Saudis to divert attention from the truth: 9/11 was what the Islamic World thought America needed. It didn’t come from Bush or Israel, it was a little something from all true Muslims – like Sheik Osama.

For the last five years I have developed my cover as a Right-Wing Blogger. I have made contact with prominent Right-Wing Fascist bloggers, writers and Talk-Show hosts. Keeping a low profile and even telling people and family members that I am on the Right now. I knew some would want to check me out.

These conservatives are not like liberals. You can tell liberals anything and they will believe you. With no record of Military service, and no record of much of anything, since I went underground 25 years ago, I had to convince these Racist Zionists and Imperialists that I was one of them.

But now Marxists can come out of the closet. Brother Sharpton said it last week, there’s nothing wrong with Socialism. Soon we will hear this from more and more leaders.

It took Fidel a year or so to admit it, after he came to power. Soon Comrade Obama will say who he is. Our day has come. It has begun.

video: rally in ny against holder/support the seals

Posted in 9/11, news and politics, obama, war with tags on December 7, 2009 by Word-Drum

The whole rally was very moving. Leader of the New Black Panther Party(Washington D.C.) Eric Holder, needs to watch and listen closely to every speaker.

video of rally against NY civil trial of 9/11 terrorists and Eric Holder(click for C-Span video)


nothing to see here: media cover-up

Posted in 9/11, Islam, media, news and politics with tags , , , on December 3, 2009 by Word-Drum

Chandler’s Watch:

Security incident aboard AirTran Flight 297 suggests terror “Dry Run”

Northeast Intelligence Network:

By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director

3 December 2009: On November 17, an incident took place aboard AirTran Flight 297 scheduled to fly from Atlanta Hartsfield Airport to Houston that the media does not want to cover and everyone from the airline to the TSA and other government agencies want to keep very quiet. The reasons, I have been told, is fear of predatory lawsuits, negative publicity from accusations of religious profiling, and the obligatory subjugation to mindless mandatory Muslim sensitivity training that make a mockery of our American system of values. Interestingly, one airline official told me “we don’t want to become another flight 300,” which is a reference to a very similar scenario that took place aboard US Airways Flight 300 exactly three years ago.


holder of the sword

Posted in 9/11, democrats, obama era, word-drum with tags , on November 13, 2009 by Word-Drum


Holder for the Brothers
of Muslim Brotherhood
brings the war home
and to your neighborhood

6a0111685b4b71970c0120a56f2fb2970c-800wiIn MessiaO’s hood
it’s all good
the Brothers not alone
throw J-Wright a bone
forget about Fort Hood
give Muslims good vibes
Shout-out to the tribes
that bad is good
can’t be misunderstood

America on trial
Bleak House rules apply
cruel liberals will smile
years before they die

all will be blown away
by another act of war
jihadists rule the day
add up the score

dark days

Posted in 9/11, democrats, liberals, military, news and politics, war, word-drum with tags , , , , , , on November 7, 2009 by Word-Drum



FN 57 pistol was used by Malik Nadal Hassan in shooting at Fort Hood. The gun is a 5.7 millimeter pistol and comes in a version that goes through armor and is only sold to military customers and law enforcement. The gun was likely to be banned in US in 2005 but failed. Now, the question is this How Malik Nadal Hassan get it before attack at Fort Hood?

It is reported that he bought FN 5.7 from an armor store of Kileen months ago. Tonight AP reported

worddrum-48Last night at work reminded me of 9/11. On that fatal day I went to my gig, a private party, and it was canceled. But the next day I had my regular Wednesday night gig. It was so strange because everything seemed normal. I was in a foreign country after all, but I never felt so far away from America.

The terrorist attack on those Army soldiers has been much on my mind. Emptying four 16 round magazines (much like the killer) on my hand-made targets (men with beards and skull caps…they ain’t Rabbis) did nothing to stop the unease brought on by the attack. With what is going on in Washington D.C., the pressure from the Left and the Islamists, this country could explode.

On top of everything last night our performance was filmed and recorded. So I have to carry on, but how does the Army do it today? I can only pray they clean house and protect our finest from Political Correctness. It’s a killer.

The brave people in the Military can mostly handle war and death. For the rest of us, the horror is almost unbearable. The jihadis love it, the liberals don’t understand it. God Bless the hero, Police Sergeant Kimberly Munley, and the wounded.

Lord, if You are reading this, please also bless the Republicans in Congress. They are fighting today to save the Republic. (Jews pray on Saturday)


the jumper

Posted in 9/11, Islam, Israel, war, word-drum with tags , , , on September 13, 2009 by Word-Drum

A brutal act of war (9/11) has brought this blog to life this week. Thousands visited Word-Drum, mostly to see this photo:


No matter the sex, nationality, or political affiliation of the jumper, he or she, is on the minds of many people.

While the Left is now directing energy to stop the fight against the Taliban and to pull all Coalition Forces out of Afghanistan. They haven’t given the jumper a second thought.

Perusing some Mil-Blogs, especially comments from Military Personnel and Vets, my own belief is reinforced: that the fight must be maintained and American and other Coalition Forces must remain in the region.

But like Iraq, I won’t be killed or wounded, and don’t like being an arm-chair general, or playing God. But that never stopped me before. My position will only change when the Islamists declare an end to the jihad against the West (this won’t happen unless they are defeated. Takiyah allows Muslims to lie to us and remain faithful to Islam.)

The Bush Administration beat the hell out of Al Qaeda. I have been over stating the Islamic Problem for years…just incase. But with our current Administration, my prediction of a major strike on America, one year after the election of a Democrat President (I thought it would be Hellary at the time) is still good.

When Israel strikes Iran, oil prices will skyrocket, hello Hezbos: blowing shit up and killing as many innocents as possible. They might even come up from Venezuela along with other Red Armies, Along with Iranian or NoKo nukes striking cities or setting off an EMP attack. All this in the middle of a civil war set off by a Leftist takeover of America.

2010 will be a bitch.

I can see the plane coming. The building is fine now, but what’s that plane up to?


Posted in 9/11 with tags , on September 11, 2009 by Word-Drum






Looking  at the world
from  a  foyer  in   the
World   Trade  Center
on a sunny New York
day   was  a  glorious
experience.   City folk
don’t have  mountains
and    vast      deserts.
They    create  a    new
nature that can   rival
even    God’s  creation.
I  have  thought    too
long  on  the   way  so
many  were  burnt  to
a crisp then ground to
dust   and spread over
the city, but the archi-
tectural  loss   is   also
great. There were free
concerts  in  the  once
beautiful    court-yard
where  the poor souls
landed after  jumping.
Gone the echo of  life.
9/11 was not only the
worst  attack  in  U.S.
history,   it  was   the
stupidest  thing  ever.
We  are   missing  our
Towers like the loved-
ones   miss  the   slain
and we will not forget.

(first posted 2007)

In the name of Allah, Al Qaeda attacked America. In the name of God, we will never forget.


power to the people

Posted in 9/11, news and politics, obama era, politics with tags , on September 6, 2009 by Word-Drum


American Patriots will gather in my town on September 11th.

The last Tea Party was great and I expect the energy to be higher this time. Here are some slogans I will write on my placard:


                   SUPPORT THE TROOPS
                   NOT THE BUMS

                                      PRESIDENT OSAMA
                                      GO HOME

erasing 9/11

Posted in 9/11, news and politics, obama with tags on August 25, 2009 by Word-Drum

American Spectator:

12510875908469Obama’s Plan To Desecrate 9/11
by Matthew Vadum

The Obama White House is behind a cynical, coldly calculated political effort to erase the meaning of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks from the American psyche and convert Sept. 11 into a day of leftist celebration and statist idolatry. Continue

Al Qaeda is on the horns of a dilemma. Should they attack America again…or work for Obama’s reelection?



They appreciate the ability to continue the jihad, but resent not getting more recognition for their finest acheivement.


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