Archive for November, 2012

as relevant as…

Posted in obama era, word-drum on November 28, 2012 by Word-Drum

Bongo says:

           Word-Drum is as relevant as…

Talk Radio

The Founding Fathers

Art Tatum and Bud Powell

Scoop Jackson Democrats

Yasser Arafat’s old boy toys

Iconoclastic Composers like Frank Zappa

Meat and Potatos

blog bongo

Posted in Israel, war on November 17, 2012 by Word-Drum

Bongo Peace In Da House

I have deleted all the comments calling me an asshole hippy. Those haters should be arrested. You better get used to it. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR!

Well I’m not a woman but on the phone I am often confused with one because I have a very high voice. But no one minds where I work (volunteer) at NPR.

I’m not allowed to delete any of the links. If I were you I would not bother to check any of them. They are all like, war and terrorism.

I saw that somebody’s now launched rockets into Israel from Egypt. What can I do about that, or anyone reading such a news story? We all know the Arabs hate the Jews and would kill them all if they could.

They are like that because of Zionism. It’s racist, and the Jews have to stop it so there can be peace.

Any way, I want to tell you about my finger painting. It’s influenced by Zen Buddhism and my own religion The Me Chang Toe Factory Church…

happens every time

Posted in word-drum with tags , on November 11, 2012 by Word-Drum

If your looking for Word-Drum, he’s not here. He checked out.

It happens every time Obama is elected. I don’t know what his problem is, it’s just politics.

My name is Bongo. Dude-Drum couldn’t find a returning soldier (sailor, marine…) to blog in this space, so he left it to me.

He wanted me to tell you that the offer still stands: All This Can Be Yours.

This blog shit is cool. I saw that last Tuesday we had hundreds of hits from all around the world. There were over 80 from Greece. Greecers thought our election was pretty interesting. Guess they are having some problems and want to see how we handle ours.

Drum told me two billion dollars were spent on campaigning, and after all that, everything is the same. WTF.

Things be changin’ round here. I think Obama is cool. All you neo-con tea-baggers can just go away now.

I didn’t think Drum-Dude was funny at all. People don’t care about that jihad jazz and the conservative boho bunk.

He’ll probably take this post down. But it’s time for him and all the loser Republicans to wake up and smell the java.

Just chill and be cool.

The last thing Word-Drum wanted to say was to thank the veterans.

He thinks that with the way the country is now, too many Americans will let the tradition of Veterans Day slip away.

He told me there were close to two million who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and it seemed like only their families really cared.

Hate to be a downer, but I don’t care either. We gotta get over that Patroit stuff. You guys will have to learn the new way…and love it, and yourself.

Bongo Peace

romney wins!

Posted in democrats, liberals, military, news and politics with tags on November 6, 2012 by Word-Drum

Let me be the first.

OK, I’m jumping the gun a little to relieve the tension.

He is a winner though.

Winning votes for the other guy isn’t hard if you appeal to all that’s vulgar and cheap, while claiming to occupy the high ground.

There are many problems in our country. Not least of which is that every vote from Active Duty Military Personal will not be counted. That’s right, thousands of votes.

The Dept. of Defense whose responsibility this falls under is right down there with the rest of the Administration and Michael Bloomberg – full of (liberal) shit.

God help us if we should need help from our government like the people suffering in the North East. Despite the hype about Katrina, the rescue operations were better than those for Sandy and it’s wake.

Tomorrow let’s hope this man made disaster, from the sick twisted minds of liberals, is ended.


Here’s more reason for voting for a real change in our foreign policy from the great American Thinker James Lewis

The Worst News from Benghazi

It is now apparent that the president of the United States countermanded standing Pentagon orders to help American personnel under attack. Ambassador Stevens and three others were left to die without AC-130 Spectres and rescue teams that are always on standby in the Africom theater. Only the White House could have countermanded those standing orders, and we know that POTUS had an emergency meeting with Panetta and Hillary within 55 minutes of the start of the attack. AFRICOM’s General Carter F. Ham was fired — presumably for wanting to rescue the Americans under fire.


writing the signs

Posted in economy, politics, word-drum on November 2, 2012 by Word-Drum

There’s a hush all around Word-Drum Industries. We are all waiting for the big result. We know there must be a landslide for Romney or the Demonrats will try to steal the election.

We are not a Foundation or a labor union. We want to go corporate or at least legitimate. The whole operation rests on routing the Left from power. We have awesome projections. We write the signs like blog posts. They say whatever we can imagine.

But the light goes out with a headlong rush into Socialism, that could be just around the corner.

Then, the actual signs must be read. That is how the path has been guided thus far. We read the signs and react. It’s a hopeless road to nowhere.

Finally a chance to write our own signs could happen in the Romney Recovery. If not, this is what we see:



Or this one:                         GERMAN


Go back to Europe
and play your funky blues

Go back to Europe
and play your funky blues

What if they don’t want you
look what they did to them other Jews.


Move to Washington DC
they got money to burn

Head out to Capital City
they got cash to burn

Live off the Spenders
fuck the ones that earn.


                             Hope and Chord Changes


The staff at Word Drum Industries knows you must bullshit liberals. They aren’t very good at it, but hunger gets them going. Only it is contrary to our goal to create a conservative counter culture.

Playing parties in DC and Virginia, and giving music lessons to children of bureaucrats, might pay the bills, but it would mark the end of bohemian-conservativism. That won’t fly there, or in New York, or San Francisco. People would find out about the political work of Word-Drum Industries. Bridges would burn before anyone even walked over them.

Let us write our signs and perhaps one day touch you dear reader with something out of our shop. It will probably be something with a good beat you can at least dance to.

It will be beautiful, only with the exit of the bullshit artist formally known as President Obummer…as he begins his talk show career after visiting the House of Saud (to thank them).

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