Archive for radio

hair america

Posted in democrats, media, new things, talk radio with tags , , on January 25, 2010 by Word-Drum


Air America has been cut but Hair America is growing like a full bodied bouffant. The new radio network will feature Rod ‘Presley’ Blogojevich and John ‘Slip & Fall’ ‘Baby Daddy’ Edwards. They are in negotiations with The Donald.

Air America was hard to listen to and the hosts had bad to mediocre hair. Hair America promises to leave you feeling silky smooth and will give the confidence to achieve all your goals, no matter how sordid, and still be considered as a possible Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party.

things az

Posted in media, new things, word-drum with tags , , , , on October 20, 2009 by Word-Drum

                                         The Anti-NPR

My bunker is somewhere in Northern Arizona. I have long felt the need for a new radio station in the region. There is only one good station that you can receive on the AM band. On FM, turn up the volume and you’ll hear the sensitive people from NPR. imagesCATDXUH0

I have many ideas for producing good radio and trouncing the competition (except when they run Rush Limbaugh). Anyone with knowledge of broadcasting and how a signal can or can’t be sent over the mountains, as well as business, syndication and other pertinent matters, should contact me. At least let’s have a discussion.(Radio Station Notes here)

If anyone wants do a little hunting and or shooting, also contact me. No liberals.

never a red, just well read

Posted in politics, word-drum with tags , , , on September 16, 2009 by Word-Drum


For purposes of this blog, I have played up my “Leftist” past.

It only lasted about three years. As I was first a Zappist, I could never commit to anything as bogus as Socialism.

Human Rights brought me in (not the chicks, I was lucky enough as a Teaching Assistant). One thing that pushed me away from the Left was Political Correctness. It was so boring.

If you are already on the Left, why did we have to keep hearing the same shit, over and over!?

That’s why the commies moved from Political Correctness to “Environmentalism.” That shit was weak. Politically_Correct_Comic

It was in 1980-1983, when I was a graduate student at Columbia University in New York. It was there that I worked as a Campus Community Organizer.

The political action group I was in, worked with many different groups, but never directly with the hard Left, like the Workers World Party or The Revolutionary Communist Party. I thought these people were nuts, or Agent Provocateurs.

I’ve always been a radio freak and that medium has always been very influential. I was tuned in to WBAI, a listener (and the Left) supported station. They had some compelling hosts and the subject matter seemed really important.

After a couple of years, the repetitiveness and almost total lack of broadcasting standards, together with the preponderance of Reggae Music, drove me away.

After I finished my studies and had a real impact with my political action, all I did was write songs and rhymes to express my lefty views. Being on the Left after the Islamic Revolution in Iran helped temper a full embrace of its anti-American nature.

The moment had passed for both me and the radio station. Reagan was President and I am only sorry now that I could not then appreciate his greatness.

I used to read Marx, the Frankfurt School, The Daily Worker, The Guardian, had subscriptions to The Nation, Mother Jones and Covert Action, read the New York Times cover to cover, and deserve a medal for reading all of Noam Chomsky’s torturous political books…but I knew America would always be a capitalist country. We were still Anti-Communist back in the 80s.

I must congratulate the Reds, they have come a long way… 
God help the rest of us. ObamaCommieDictator

[Yes, I was at Columbia at the same time as the President. One day he will pay me back for that bag of weed we split!]


mark levin fan

Posted in audio, talk radio with tags , on July 25, 2009 by Word-Drum

Mark Levin first came on the air in New York City on WABC. It coincided with my return to America and the New York Area.

9/11 and the election campaign I came back to follow and vote in, had turned me against the liberals and their pukie candidate John F-ing Kerry.

Mark is funny and passionately serious too. His breath of knowledge and experience in the legal profession and in government, is a great resource to the talk radio audience.

This listener is drawn to a world where the Military, Police and Emergency Services workers, families of the 9/11 victims, Gold Star and all the families of the Troops, are not forgotten…

Where our fundamental right to liberty, handed down to us, is reinforced and not forgotten, for more frivolous matters.

The informative radio show is presented by the amusing grouch Levin. It is 5 star Talk Radio.

WABC Radio – listen live

Visit Sgt Tim's Mark Levin Fan for highlights of the latest shows and much more.

talk radio hip hop

Posted in talk radio, word-drum with tags , , , , , on March 31, 2009 by Word-Drum

thumbnailca6ee40yBoasting was a mainstay of Rap Music. I don’t know or care if it still is since Hip Hop has lost its appeal to this music lover.

East Coast West Coast rivalry reached a violent peek with the shootings of Biggy Smalls and the last truly great Hip Hop artist, Tupak Shakur.

Boasting of ones skills was part of the dance and those with skills did this with humor and in a way that fit into the form. The drive-by shootings were not the music. This went beyond boasting, the law,  and the form of music called Hip Hop.

In radio there are certain laws. Break these laws too many times and the quality of the broadcast suffers. As I have written, ego is essential to success. Word-Drum never forgets the Greeks: “All things in moderation.” Excessive ego in a radio talk show hosts poisons the other important issues and messages raised.

The King of Talk Radio has a near perfect balance of ego and decorum(the laws of radio). Rush never insults the other talk show hosts. Mark Levin, who I love and respect, however, does too often dis other hosts in competition with him. This is boring.

I’m starting to listen to a bit of Savage again. The killing of four Police Officers in Oakland sickens me.  But he too makes this fatal mistake and together with being a little crazy( I should talk) his broadcasts are uneven and flawed by free style boasting with no groove, rhymes, or dope lyrical content.

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It isn’t that they can’t see the solution. It’s that they can’t see the problem. ~ G. K. Chesterton

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