Archive for James Lewis

romney wins!

Posted in democrats, liberals, military, news and politics with tags on November 6, 2012 by Word-Drum

Let me be the first.

OK, I’m jumping the gun a little to relieve the tension.

He is a winner though.

Winning votes for the other guy isn’t hard if you appeal to all that’s vulgar and cheap, while claiming to occupy the high ground.

There are many problems in our country. Not least of which is that every vote from Active Duty Military Personal will not be counted. That’s right, thousands of votes.

The Dept. of Defense whose responsibility this falls under is right down there with the rest of the Administration and Michael Bloomberg – full of (liberal) shit.

God help us if we should need help from our government like the people suffering in the North East. Despite the hype about Katrina, the rescue operations were better than those for Sandy and it’s wake.

Tomorrow let’s hope this man made disaster, from the sick twisted minds of liberals, is ended.


Here’s more reason for voting for a real change in our foreign policy from the great American Thinker James Lewis

The Worst News from Benghazi

It is now apparent that the president of the United States countermanded standing Pentagon orders to help American personnel under attack. Ambassador Stevens and three others were left to die without AC-130 Spectres and rescue teams that are always on standby in the Africom theater. Only the White House could have countermanded those standing orders, and we know that POTUS had an emergency meeting with Panetta and Hillary within 55 minutes of the start of the attack. AFRICOM’s General Carter F. Ham was fired — presumably for wanting to rescue the Americans under fire.



Posted in news and politics, republicans with tags , on October 19, 2010 by Word-Drum

            Help elect Christine O’Donnell because Socialism is Theft

Update: “Chris Coons Lied, Granny Died” Ann Coulter

j lew: show some love for w

Posted in news and politics with tags , on July 21, 2010 by Word-Drum

American Thinker: In Defense of W by James Lewis

Angelo Codevilla has started an important conversation about the American “ruling class” against the “country class,” who are also called “the normal people.” As part of that critique, Codevilla groups George W. Bush with Obama as Big Spenders. There is a grain of truth in that, but nowhere near enough to convince me that their names should even be spoken in the same breath. True, there isn’t much difference between the trick skating couple of McCain-Graham and Harry Reid. That is pretty sad. But let’s not confuse them with people of integrity.


james lewis: intellectual suicide

Posted in history, Islam, Israel, news and politics, obama with tags , on June 22, 2010 by Word-Drum

Finally James Lewis is back at American Thinker! He’s as usual dropping all kinds of science— giving direction and history to the Word-Drum Nation.

                      Shit-Head Chomsky: Beyond a Self-Hating Jew

American Thinker:

The Jews and the Bloody-Minded Professors by James Lewis

No wonder Obama sent Winston Churchill’s sculpted bust right back to London. Would you want Winnie’s beetling brows staring down at you when your White House is just swarming with bloody-minded professors? If Churchill had done nothing else but simply pin the label “bloody-minded professors” on the fascists and Stalinists who ran much of British intellectual life from the 1930s onward, he would still have been Obama’s natural enemy.

Without bloody-minded professors in the cozy West, there would have been no Nazi Germany and no Stalinist Russia.


video: uncle j goes at algore

Posted in enviro-marxists, news and politics, video with tags , , , , on March 2, 2010 by Word-Drum

Word-Drum’s favorite Military Analyst weighs in on the Goracle…

hat tip Black Five


And don’t miss the latest from Word-Drum’s other favorite:

James Lewis at American Thinker

Does Ahmadinejad Want a Radioactive Cloud over Iran?

james lewis: google justice

Posted in news and politics, obama, terrorism with tags , on January 6, 2010 by Word-Drum

American Thinker:

Did Obama Politicize the Terror Database?

by James Lewis

In his usual heroic fashion, Obama tossed that hot Christmas Bomber potato to Janet Napolitano, and when she dropped the potato, it got cannoned over to the CIA with a quick fake to Dick Cheney, who didn’t even bother to answer. Obama kept his head buried deep in the sand at Oahu for almost four days while all this was going on. But this was Obama’s personal hot potato, and I believe he may personally be at fault for placing almost three hundred passengers in deadly peril on NW Flight 253 on Christmas Day.


Red Flag 4. He’s 23 years old, a kid from a wealthy family who is both spoiled and lost in the big world — exactly the kind of comfortable, alienated, and confused character who gets targeted by the bomber imams to go and blow himself up. He’s got the perfect psychological profile, similar to the Fort Hood shooter. That also happens to be the profile of the kids who become Communist radicals and the ones who became Nazis in the 1930s.

The psychology is always the same. It keeps repeating over and over, and only the media can pretend to be surprised. Bill Ayers was a rich kid. Bernardine Dohrn was a rich kid. Barack Hussein Obama’s family was not rich, but middle class — Barack himself was very spoiled, very indulged, and went to all the rich-kid schools. He never had to pay for anything; everything in life was free for BHO. Karl Marx was a rich kid who went bad. So was Pol Pot. The biggest ideological extremists are always the same. They are almost never poor and desperate kids, because poor families raise their kids differently. They have to work and learn about reality, fast. It’s always the middle class — “idealistic,” overeducated, confused, culturally estranged, depressed, grandiose, narcissistic, personally troubled kids who become Adolf Hitler.


james lewis: the red avenger

Posted in history, obama with tags on December 15, 2009 by Word-Drum

American Thinker:

Obama the Red Avenger by James Lewis

The French called Hitler a “revanchiste” — a Kaiser soldier of World War I who was aching to avenge that defeat. Hitler made no secret of his desire for revenge. He made it a Nazi slogan. Well, you can have ideological revanchisme as well — for instance, a Marxist determination to take revenge for America’s victory against world Communism in the Cold War.

The word “Marxist” is now used as a kind of a sly boast in academia; I just talked with a professor who calls himself a “Marxist historian,” and smiles to himself when he says it. He obviously thinks he’s a hero by being a Marxist in America. But according to Marxist historians themselves Red regimes killed at least 100 million people in “crimes, terror and repression,” with still more dying today in North Korea. That’s not even counting the dead and wounded in wars fought by Communist regimes.

Obama’s early life indicates that young Barry may have been brought up as a Red Avenger against America. We know that he talks like an anti-capitalist and an anti-Constitutionalist, and that he compulsively apologizes for American actions during the Cold War. The Cold War was not something we started; it was started by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and other totalitarian mass murderers long before the Korean War and the Vietnam War, our two hot proxy wars in the Cold War.


james lewis: corrupt big science

Posted in enviro-marxists with tags , , , on December 7, 2009 by Word-Drum

American Thinker:

Donald Kennedy and the Corruption of Science Magazine

by James Lewis

Science magazine has been stewing so long in the global warming bouillabaisse that its very brains are beginning to smoke. That may be because its august editor-in-chief Donald Kennedy (until last year) was a dedicated warm-monger. Science is the flagship journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the political lobby for Big Science in Washington, D.C. The editor-in-chief of Science is like the Queen of England: It’s the closest thing to God in the church hierarchy. Everybody kisses your butt, and all you have to do is wave your hand to the cheering peasantry from your golden coach.


slave master hip-hop: j-lew

Posted in news and politics, obama era with tags , , on November 11, 2009 by Word-Drum

band3American Thinker:

The President Of Resentment by James Lewis

Some people have a government, and some governments have a people, said Ronald Reagan. We are being turned into a nation where the government owns the people. It is the demagogic heirs to the dreadful history of slavery who are now trying to turn the tables; Obama is a slave-master in the making. He looks the part, he acts the part, and behind the scenes, his commissars are making it happen. Continue


No Justice Department

Concerning the jihadist Hasan: What did Eric Holder know? And when did he know it?

james lewis: obamadrama

Posted in news and politics, obama era with tags , on October 26, 2009 by Word-Drum

obamaprof143723051_788c18f13fAmerican Thinker:
Obamadrama by James Lewis

Don’t be deceived by the honeyed baritone voice and big smile. Bluffs, bully plays, and head fakes are the means by which President Obama tries to get his way. He learned the technique from Saul Alinsky.

The best answer is to use Alinsky against them. We know their rule book, and we can use their rules just as well as they can. The aggressor sets the rules.


j-lew: lose it all (with video)

Posted in news and politics, video with tags , , on October 7, 2009 by Word-Drum

hat tip: Anti-Mullah

American Thinker:

Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All

by James Lewis

“The gangster regimes of the world are on the march, and they’ve got our number. They know how to squeeze more civilized nations. Our weakness is cowardice, and that goes double or triple in the face of nuclear weapons. That’s why all the rogues are trying to get nukes as fast as they can. They know it’s the perfect blackmail weapon, and it makes them invulnerable to attack.”


j-lew: smile and the world loves you

Posted in democrats, history, news and politics, obama era with tags , on September 2, 2009 by Word-Drum

2933236152American Thinker:

The Smiling Demagogue of the Age by James Lewis

“A man may smile, and smile, and be a villain,” wrote Shakespeare in Hamlet. That is even truer today, in the age of mass media, when demagogues can be elected president on the strength of their nice smiles and sucker-tailored sales pitches.


j-lew: “nancy’s nazis”

Posted in democrats, history, politics with tags on August 8, 2009 by Word-Drum

(Sorry about that, you can open your eyes now. Here’s another great piece by James Lewis, now known here as J-Lew.)

American Thinker:
Nancy’s Nazis by James Lewis

Nancy Pelosi has a very florid imagination. In her mind’s eye she is seeing people “carrying swastikas” at Town Hall meetings to protest Obama’s Central Plan for American medicine. Which makes me wonder why all the swastika-carrying nutsies — or Nazis? or just nasties? — in Ms. Pelosi’s imagination are not in favor of Obama’s plan to control US medicine. It’s a control freak’s dream, after all, and the Nazis were totalitarian control freaks. Continue

genie out of the bottle

Posted in obama era, war, weapons with tags on August 4, 2009 by Word-Drum

kim-jong-nukeAmerican Thinker:

Obama and the mad proliferators by James Lewis

So you thought Iran was the most frightening nuclear madhouse? With North Korea playing catch-up?

You forgot Syria. Its hidden nuke reactor was bombed by Israel in 2007. But nobody knows what else they have.

You forgot Libya. Qaddafi got scared by Dubya and gave up nukes in 2003. But it’s a big country, and they could be hiding stuff.  Continue



worddrum-48You must hear what people are saying…

james lewis: sophie’s choice, and bibi’s

Posted in history, Iran, Israel, obama era, war, weapons with tags , , on July 16, 2009 by Word-Drum

American Thinker:

“Benyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu has a fearful choice to make, like Sophie in William Styron’s novel Sophie’s Choice. The young Sophie of Styron’s novel was forced to choose which of her two young children were to be murdered in a Nazi concentration camp. I have known real Sophies in my life, among Holocaust Survivors; they were literally forced to choose which of their toddlers to save from death, and to single out those who would not be saved. The Nazis sent an estimated 1.2 million Jewish children to be killed in concentration camps, along with thousands of Gypsy and handicapped children. Sophie and her children were real. Just ask any Holocaust survivor. “


inside the box

Posted in democrats, economy, history, Internet, obama, politics with tags on May 17, 2009 by Word-Drum

“Would you have a personal computer without free markets?”

by James Lewis American Thinker

“Capitalism is creative. Obama’s America promises to be excruciatingly boring, among many other flaws.”

“So two kids in a garage build something we now call a “micro computer” and end up beating Big Blue IBM and its hulking business empire. And then some Stanford nerds develop the software for Google; now they are the new IBM.”


james lewis lays the voodoo down

Posted in history, obama era with tags on March 9, 2009 by Word-Drum

thumbnailcas5ewk7“How the Great Depression brought Adolf Hitler to Power” by James Lewis(American Thinker)

My thirst for knowledge has wanned since the coming of the Messiah, unless it has to do with survival.  James Lewis however is a must read. 

Short and to the point, this history lesson connects infamous historical figures that share certain characteristics. Starting off a bit frazzled, like many of us feel, he sets the scene. The response is in our court.  Read the article HERE.

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